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1914 Star (180688 H.Gealer, CPO. Hood Bttn. RND.); British War Medal; Victory Medal 1914-19 (S.Lt. H. Gealer, RNVR.) : (HARRY GEALER - Born 18 January 1879 at Rodborough, Gloucester, a shop boy when he entered the Royal Navy on 10 July 1894 as a Boy 2nd.Class in HMS. 'Impregnable'. He served both at sea and at various shore establishments and rose through the rates to become Petty Officer 1st.Class from 30 January 1913 whilst serving at 'Vivid I' where he remained until 18 September 1914, when he was transferred to 'Victory IV' for RN Division, Hood Battalion as Act. Chief Petty Officer. In October 1914 the Battalion served in Belgium during the Defence of Antwerp and in 1915 at Gallipoli. The recipient was granted a Commission as Temporary Sub-Lieutenant, RNVR. from 13 September 1915 and was with the Battalion when it entered Abbeville, France on 17 June 1916. By November 1916 the Battalion was preparing to take part in the final set-piece battle of the Somme campaign, known afterwards as the Battle of the Ancre, where it was given the task to assault and capture the village of Beaucourt, an immensley strong position manned by crack German troops who had resisted all previous attacks. The assault began at 0545 hrs on 13 November 1916, with 'Hood' and 'Hawke' Battalions leading the advance, which soon ran into trouble. 'Hood' cleared the enemy's first line system thoroughly, despite the difficulty of locating the dug-outs in the dark, but lost a number of Officers, and it was here at about 06.30hrs. that the recipient was reported as KILLED BY A SNIPER. The village of Beaucourt was finally captured on the morning of 14 November 1916, but at the cost of 100 Officers and 1600 men killed, with a further 160 Officers and 2877 men wounded. The recipient was buried at the Ancre British Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel, he was 36 years of age at the date of his death, his medals were claimed by his widow Mrs. Annie R. Gealer of 38 North Down Gardens, Ford, Plymouth.). Sold with verification, copy Service Papers, copy CWGC. information and other related research. Medals contained in the original card boxes of issue with folded unused lengths of original silk ribbon : Virtually As Minted - £895