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Bar 'Witu 1890', correctly impressed naming - R. PARSONS, P.O.1Cl., HMS. Turquoise : (ROBERT PARSONS - Born at Dartmouth, Devon on 22 December 1857, joined the Royal Navy at HMS. 'Impregnable' as a Boy 2nd.Class on 8 January 1873. Advanced to Boy 1st.Class from 11 February 1874 and to Ordinary Seaman from 22 December 1875 then serving in HMS. 'Dryad'. Continued to serve both at sea and at various shore establishments including the Royal Navy Gunnery School at HMS. 'Cambridge' and advanced through the rates to become Petty Officer 1st.Class from 1 June 1882. Joined HMS. 'Turquoise' from 1 October 1887, in which ship he took part in the Witu Expedition between 17 and 27 October 1890. Left 'Turquoise' on 26 June 1891 and served in numerous ships through to 10 January 1896 when he was 'Shore Pensioned'. Joined Royal Fleet Reserve from 15 June 1901 from which he was Discharged by virtue of age on 22 December 1907. A total of 131 medals awarded to crew members of HMS. 'Turquoise' for the Witu Expedition 1890.) : Sold with verification and copy Service Record GVF - £395